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Would you like to learn Dutch language in a fun and structured manner? Then you have come to the right place! 

A great course to get started with Dutch. A practical course with emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and exercises.

Sriharsh, India

Our Services

Dutch Language Levels Explained

From A1 to B1

Chalkboard with Different Languages

Level A1

You will be able to make simple conversations such as:

  • Introducing yourself

  • Greeting someone

  • Ordering at a café

  • Telling the time

  • Making an appointment

  • Buying something in the market

  • Give a positive or negative opinion.

  • Shopping at a cloth store

  • Explain the kind of house you want to rent

  • Explain a problem to the doctor

Level A2

You will be able to make slightly difficult conversations such as:

  • Describe something that happened in the past

  • Make use of reflexive verbs

  • Ask way towards a certain destination

  • Give and ask for opinions

  • Tell something that would happen in future

  • Describe what you see

  • Book a movie ticket over phone

  • Summarize your day

  • Report an incident to the police

Outdoor Study Group

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